Ravi Verma
Ravi Verma is the Asia Regional Director for the International Center for Research on Women | ICRW.
Ravi has more than three decades of experience working on issues of girls and women’s empowerment and gender equality. His research is focused on primary violence prevention, child marriage prevention, sexual & reproductive health issues and engaging men and addressing masculine norms.
Throughout his career Ravi has held multiple positions within the Government of India, as a professor at the International Institute for Population Sciences and as a member of High-Level Committee on the Status of Women | HLCSW. He is also a member of the NACO Ethics Committee for Research and the Scientific Advisory Committee | SAC of the ICMR—National AIDS Research Institute, where he guides the Institute’s research activities.
Ravi currently serves on the Lancet Commission on Gender and Global Health as a Commissioner and serves on the Board of Global Health 5050 and Women Lift Health.